Working Today for a Better Tomorrow

Community Corrections Association (CCA) offers a wide range of programs, from chemical dependency and relapse prevention to parenting and adult basic education, to help those convicted of crime get a second chance at leading productive lives.

Our excellent comprehensive programming has helped countless individuals go on to lead happy, fulfilling lives following graduation.

Every quarter, we hold a graduation ceremony to recognize those who have successfully completed all treatment goals and recommendations of the court. These ceremonies are celebrated with a special speaker and family.

Programs include:

Intensive Out Patient (IOP) Substance Use Disorder Treatment

This eight-week program focuses on the many facets of the recovery process, including the criminal and addictive thinking process, drug and alcohol education, socialization, and introduction to external support group setting. In addition, clients participate in weekly individual sessions.

Thinking for a Change

This integrated approach to behavioral change uses a combination of techniques to increase an offender’s awareness of themselves and others through cognitive restructuring, social skills and problem solving. Through this program, clients learn skills that help them work through difficult situations in a positive, productive way.

Anger Management

Within four weeks of group sessions, participants learn positive ways to control anger and rage issues. This course explores common thinking mistakes, primary and secondary thoughts and emotions, and new ways to deal with situations that may spark anger.

Domestic Violence

This eight-week course identifies what constitutes domestic violence and how to deal with family situations peacefully.


Participants learn important skills for parenting children from birth to adulthood during this eight-week course. Topics include the importance of a proper diet, sleep patterns during infancy through three years, and discipline versus abuse.

Sex Offender Education

This four-hour session explores anatomy, sexually transmitted diseases, safe and responsible sex, and healthy relationship development.

Peer Associations

Programming to build cognitive skills focused on recognizing healthy vs. unhealthy peer and family relationships.

Vocational Planning

Three sessions explore participants’ skills, hobbies and talents, and how they can relate to fulfilling employment options. Aptitude tests are administered to further identify possible areas of interest.

Job Readiness

Group participants learn how to fill out applications, write resumes, and successfully interview for a job.

Job Retention

This program is designed to answer offender questions regarding situations with their present employer, including exploring advancement opportunities and maintaining employment following release.

Adult Basic Education

State-certified teachers assess skill levels and develop an individual education plan that addresses any basic literacy needs and GED preparation. This program also assists in applying for financial aid to pursue continuing education opportunities.

Bridges out of Poverty

Financial literacy programming combined with information used to facilitate an understanding of the mental frameworks that may prohibit socioeconomic movement as outlined in Ruby Payne, PhD’s work on understanding poverty.

Community Service Program

Each offender is required to complete a minimum of eight community service hours per week. This requirement allows them to take pride in making a difference while benefitting the community as well.

Pre-Release Group

During four sessions, clients and their families discuss questions and concerns regarding release, court requirements and more to ensure a positive and smooth transition.


For four to eight weeks following release, clients are monitored through weekly telephone and face-to-face sessions to ensure they are following required treatment plans and making a successful transition back to the community.

Family Reunification

Programming designed to help residents and families develop better communication skills, resolve differences, and begin moving forward with their new lives.

Moving On I & II

Gender-responsive programming for our female residents aimed at both reducing criminal thinking and behavior as well as increasing physical and emotional health.